Sex and Intimacy

Why is it important to talk about sex? Sex can be a source of issues within a marriage, but it can also be a source of great joy and connection. It is of course how children are brought into the world and understanding it better yourself can help you better educate you children. One thing I hope to strongly emphasize is that sex is something sacred that is God given. It is a way to connect with your spouse in a way that can’t be done by any other means. When done in the right way, at the right time, it is not dirty, but a wonderful tool given to us as humans on earth.
Like before mentioned, sex is something that we are given to help husband and wife to draw closer together. It allows us to connect in a really beautiful way to our spouses and allows for a time for us to feel close to each other, warm, and gives us a sense of safety. Husband and wife should show tremendous generosity toward one another during this time. It is important to provide a place for you spouse to feel close, warm, and safe. This is a time to show vulnerability to one another to create an even stronger bond. It is also a time to be kind and thoughtful toward one another. This is something that holds much more meaning than thinking of yourself and fulfilling yourself. It is so much more than that. It is an expression of love that bonds two people together like nothing else in this world can.
That being said, that bond should never be violated. There is nothing more important in this world than your spouse and the bond that the two of you have. It is so important that sexual matters are NOT discussed with anyone but your spouse. When conversation ensues about something that is so private and meant to stay between two people that isn’t your spouse, you run the chance of creating a relationship with someone that can be very harmful is already on the path to crossing a very serious boundary. Feelings might develop for that other person (male or female, it does not matter) and it could lead to a place that can have very serious consequences.
Infidelity is something that plagues this generation like no other and it is heart breaking to see. Infidelity comes in many forms, fantasies such as pornography, attaching emotionally to someone who is not your spouse, confiding in someone outside of your marriage about intimate details in your life. The list sadly goes on and on. Infidelity brings the most bitter heartache anyone can experience in this life. If you find yourself engaging in any kind of infidelity, STOP. It is, in my opinion, never an option to fall out of love. It is not simply something that is gone. It is usually a string of choices made that makes you feel that way. It is a choice.
Sex is something that a loving Heavenly Father gave to us as a wat to connect with another person in ways we didn’t even know or understand was possible. It is something that is extremely sacred between two people that creates a place of love, generosity, and kindness. It creates closeness, warmth and safety with another person that is so special beyond measure. It is key, however, to keep boundaries solid with others outside of your marriage to avoid creating feelings toward another person and to risk infidelity. Run the other way if you find yourself in this situation. It isn’t worth the heartache and the sadness.
