Men V.S Women

Men V.S women. The roles that they play in the home, in society, and in the workplace. Wouldn’t you consider these topics to be some of the most controversial topics out there? These roles for both men and women have been under fire for all of my lifetime.
Men and women are different. This is a good thing; these differences are extremely important. Each one of us plays our very own, very special roles that help to build a strong family unit. Not a single aspect of man vs woman is better than the other. Neither one is complete without the other. It is also important to keep in mind that primary roles do not dictate what we do all of the time. It is important that we work together and share responsibilities.
Onto the differences!!!
Men and women are born inherently different. Men tend to be stronger, more competitive, and aggressive. These aspects are important for the role of a man in society. Men are given the responsibilities to provide and protect. All of the attributes I mentioned before hand are crucial to men being able to perform these roles to the extent that is needed. Going back to the primal existence of humankind, men provided for their families. They hunted and fought away others who had intent to harm their homes. For this cause, their strength, competitiveness, and aggression helped them provide and protect their families. Their families got to eat, and they were safe from potential harms. This important in todays world where threats are growing, and it is harder and harder to find jobs. Men have their strength, and their aggression to protect their families from people who intend to do harm, and they have the competitiveness to help them excel in the workplace. I would also like to add on that men tend to be more myopic. This is not at all a bad thing. Men have the ability to focus on one thing, and make sure it gets done without distraction. They also can leave things in their place when the occasion calls for it. An example being that they are able to leave what happens at the office at the office, and not let it interfere with what’s going on at home.
Women tend to be more cooperative, relationship oriented, and have better communication skills. Women are given the responsibility to nurture. Nurturing is all inclusive which means nurturing of the family, and the community. Women are given this task because of their innate ability of the before mentioned qualities. Because of women’s tendencies to be more cooperative, have better communication skills, and are relationship oriented, this leads to a greater ability for conflict resolution which benefits everyone with in the home, and can help with issues in the community. These are also wonderful qualities when it comes to the workplace and team projects. I would like to emphasize the need for women to nurture children. With a woman’s better sense of communication, woman can more easily identify what a small baby would need when they aren’t able to speak for themselves. Women are more able to sense how others are feeling and are better able to sympathize or empathize (whichever is needed at the time) and come to a resolution, or are just able to help others feel better. Women can bring a strong sense of peace to the home.
Both of these roles are very different, but they compliment each other in ways that we still don’t understand. I do not want to play into any kind of stereotype that could be harmful to either genders. My only hope was to bring to light the things that make us different, and why that is so important. Our differences complement each other and can also be shared between each other. Men should have the shared trait of being nurturing, while women will also find themselves in situations where they need to be strong. Each role is different, but equal to each other and essential for the family to function, as well as a society.
